Help Matt Cutler Build a Bathroom for His 50th Birthday

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Congregation Gates of Heaven
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For my birthday, instead of getting me a present, please consider making a donation to a project I am working on in Ghana


raised by 117 people

$7,000 goal

I am so lucky to have everything I really need and friends like you to share the good times with.  So this year, instead of buying me a present from the store, please consider making a donation to a great cause.  It's exactly what I want, you'll know it's the perfect size, and if I get the same present from somebody else, that's actually a good thing. 

My experience in Ghana was awe inspiring and I would like to leave the place a little better than when I arrived.

If you read my blog post, you know why I feel passionate about improving the sanitation conditions here.

If 140 of my friends donate $50 each, this will get done!

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