Wildlife Wonders: A Night of Hope & Conservation

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Toucan Rescue Ranch
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Welcome to our inaugural gala at the Nashville Zoo. We are raising $100,000 for our rescue center!


raised by 18 people

$100,000 goal

12 days left


Update posted 5 days ago

Help us reach our $100,000 Wildlife Wonders goal by bidding in our online auction!

For those who missed out on the live auction in Nashville, Tennessee, we are offering items not sold during the event through an online auction! This provides an excellent opportunity for supporters to continue contributing to our cause and bidding on unique items.

To make a difference, please bid on auction items, give a cash donation, or simply share this auction on your social media using the hashtag, #charityauction 

You have until May 31 to bid on these unique items and experiences! Check out the link to start bidding: https://bit.ly/TRRCharityAuction

start bidding now

Help Us Turn Hope into Action for Wildlife Conservation in Costa Rica!

In the heart of Costa Rica lies the Toucan Rescue Ranch (TRR), a sanctuary for the country's most vulnerable wildlife. For 20 years, TRR has been a beacon of hope, rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing injured, displaced, and orphaned animals. From sloths and toucans to howler monkeys, TRR has been instrumental in giving over 500 animals annually a second chance at life.

🌟Keeping the Momentum Going🌟

We are thrilled to announce that we will keep this fundraiser open until the end of May to encourage more donations and help us reach our $100,000 goal. Additionally, for those who missed out on the live auction, we will offer items not sold during the event through an online auction. This provides an excellent opportunity for supporters to continue contributing to our cause and bidding on unique items.

We are immensely grateful for your involvement and support. Together, we are making a difference, and we look forward to what we can achieve as partners in conservation.

💰Our Goal & What it Funds:

We've set an ambitious goal to raise $100,000 through this gala event. These funds are vital for the continuation and expansion of our programs, including:

  • Saving Sloths Together: A program dedicated to the research, rescue, and rehabilitation of sloths.
  • Saving Howler Monkeys Together: Focused on the conservation of howler monkeys through rescue operations and habitat restoration.
  • The WildMed Fund: A critical initiative providing medical care and treatment for injured wildlife.
  • Saving Toucans Together: A targeted effort to protect and rehabilitate toucans, one of Costa Rica's most iconic bird species. This program addresses the specific challenges toucans face, from habitat loss to the pet trade.
  • Saving Raptors Together: Dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of raptors, including hawks, eagles, and owls. These birds of prey are essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems, and our program aims to ensure their survival and prosperity.
  • Parrot Retirement Fund: Recognizing the needs of parrots that have been retired from the pet trade or can no longer be cared for by their owners. This fund ensures they receive the care, socialization, and environment they need to live out their lives in happiness and health.
  • Keeping Costa Rica Wild Fund: An overarching fund aimed at preserving the natural habitats of Costa Rica, supporting reforestation efforts, and supporting the various mammals in Toucan Rescue Ranch's care. This fund is vital for the protection of all wildlife and the preservation of Costa Rica's natural beauty.

How You Can Help:

Even if you can't join us at the gala, your support can still make a huge difference. We've created this crowdfunding campaign to allow people from all over the world to be part of this significant event. Here's how you can help:

  • Donate: Every donation, no matter the size, brings us closer to our goal. Choose from our suggested donation tiers or enter an amount that feels right for you.
  • Spread the Word: Share our campaign on social media, via email, or through word of mouth. The more people know about our cause, the greater our impact.

You Can Still Make a Difference!

We understand that not everyone will be able to join us in person at the Wildlife Wonders: A Night of Hope & Conservation gala in Nashville. However, your spirit of conservation and love for wildlife can still have a significant impact, no matter where you are in the world. Here's how you can be a part of this monumental effort from afar:

📱Give Online!

We've made it easy for supporters globally to contribute to our cause directly from their computers or mobile devices. By giving online, you ensure that your contribution goes straight to supporting our programs and the animals under our care. Every dollar you donate helps us move closer to raising $100,000 for wildlife conservation.

💗The Impact of Your Generosity:

With your support, we can turn hope into action. Let's make Wildlife Wonders: A Night of Hope & Conservation a success and set the stage for another 20 years of saving lives, one animal at a time.

Together, we can make a difference. For the animals, for our planet, for our future.

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