9th Island Cultural Club of Las Vegas

A nonprofit organization

$3,650 raised

100% complete

$3,000 Goal

Established in 2014, the 9th Island Cultural Club of Las Vegas-TM was founded on the philosophy of its organization being a pillar of perpetuating diversity in the communities we live in and serve.  Our Members, Executive Board, Directors and Supporters remain intimately committed and involved by donating their time to serve in various capacities. 9th Island Cultural Club of Las Vegas-TM collaborates with numerous community organizations that have the same passion, purpose and level of commitment. 

On June 12th, 2015, we received our IRS 501c3 Non-profit Status #47-2415375.  

Mission Statement:  Perpetuate the "Aloha" spirit through Diversity. (meaning of "Aloha" to include but not limited to; Hello, Goodbye, Love, Affection, Peace, Compassion and all should apply in our daily life).    

Club Color:   Orange

Club Flower:  Hibiscus

Organization Data


Organization name

9th Island Cultural Club of Las Vegas

Tax id (EIN)





3007 extravagant ave
North Las Vegas, NV 89031


702 706 8381