A Fund for Women

A nonprofit organization

What We Believe 

We believe in limiting the barriers to assistance by providing quick grants to women who can't wait.

What We Do

Small Grants with a BIG impact

A Fund for Women microgrants provide support to vulnerable women during times of immediate crisis. This support can include things like providing groceries for their family, ensuring the lights stay on, or covering necessary car repairs. While these grants are small ($100 - 500 each), they act as financial stepping stones to prevent women from falling too far behind.

Where We Came From

At our sister company, A Case for Women, we assist women in accessing life-changing, contingency-fee legal help. A Fund for Women was created to address the recurring need observed in women who sought legal assistance from us—women who required aid in the form of small grants to address immediate financial challenges. 

Organization Data


Organization name

A Fund for Women

Tax id (EIN)



DALLAS, TX 75205