A Helping Hand Ministries

A nonprofit organization

42 donors

Derrick was neglected by his family and tied in a room and left to die until he was 5 years old.  He was rescued by concerned neighbors and placed at Peace Transition Home. Derrick does not speak and has significant delays due to having no human contact for many years.  Today Derrick is thriving and has been matched with an adoptive family who will soon travel to get him!  

When Steven entered the baby home, he was severely malnourished and could barely move. 

Steven has received medical care, physical therapy, nourishment, and love at Tender Hearts and is making good progress.  Look at that happy smile!

When Joan entered the baby home, she was blind, malnourished, and could not move her arms and legs. She was 5 years old.

It was learned that Joan was born healthy and suffered abuse at the hands fo her step mother.  At the Tender Hearts Baby Home, Joan received proper nutrition, love, and began physical therapy.

Today, Joan is in the United States with her adoptive family. She is able to move her arms and legs.  She laughs and giggles all the time. She is learning to feed herself and is learning to be a little sister loved by 3 big brothers.

A Helping Hand Supports 3 orphanages in 3 countries and does numerous humanitarian aid projects around the world.

A Helping Hand also supports women here in KY who are facing an unintended pregnancy.

Your donation will assist us to continue this work to fulfillt he mission of James 1:27.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, andto keep oneself unstained from the world.

Organization Data


Organization name

A Helping Hand Ministries

Tax id (EIN)



Faith Children & Family Community


767 Lane Allen Road


(859) 263-9964