A Second Chance Inc

A nonprofit organization

31 donors

A Place to Celebrate Kinship!

Help us expand and enrich the Rhonda D. Wright Family Center.

The Rhonda D. Wright Family Center is…

A much needed community place for children’s programming after school and during the summer.

A much needed community place that families are able to rent at a reasonable cost for family celebrations such as bridal and baby showers, anniversaries and birthday. 

A much needed community place that families can remember loved ones at a funeral repast.

A much needed community place for our neighbors to use for club and organizational meetings.

A much needed community place to hold our annual A Dance for Life – a cotillion celebrating young women.

“Looking back, we were among the fortunate ones. Throughout our childhood journey, we did not land in foster care, the place where so many languish without ever really finding families and forever homes. Instead, the state allowed us to be placed in kinship foster care with people who were like family.”                                          

Rhonda D. Wright, as quoted in "On My Way Home" 

The words above were written by the namesake of The Rhonda D. Wright Family Center. Rhonda’s love of family, service to others, and commitment to A Second Chance, Inc. are embraced in the offices, meeting rooms and recreation center of the building. In May of 2015, her family and friends dedicated this center, in her memory.

This year our proceeds will go towards programming at our new Rhonda D. Wright Family Center. Families are the way to strengthen the present and preserve a future for our children.

About the Rhonda D. Wright Family Center

The Rhonda D. Wright Family Center is a place where our families and members of the community can come together for kinship. Our purpose is Kinship Care. We value family caring for family. Every day, we help kinship families recognize their innate strengths. We renew their spirits and energy so they can help their children to be safe, to grow and to thrive. 

Sadly, many have put limitations on the capabilities of kinship families to thrive. However, at A Second Chance, Inc. we work at helping families build their confidence and pride so they can overcome the supposed boundaries others have set for them.

The Rhonda D. Wright Family Center sends a clear message to our families and the community that kinship is important. It is a place where we provide families with a chance to connect, enhance child/youth-centered relationships and seek camaraderie and support from each other.

About A Second Chance, Inc.

Established in 1994, A Second Chance, Inc. provides an array of holistic services catering specifically to kinship care. We are the only known organization in our nation that exclusively provides kinship care case management and support services to the entire kinship triad of children, birthparents and caregivers.

The agency is recognized as a national kinship model in the delivery of kin services and its work has been cited by organizations including The Urban Institute, Children’s Defense Fund and the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Currently, the agency works with well over 1,300 children and families on a daily basis to ensure safety, permanency and well-being. 

ASCI is the largest foster care provider to Allegheny County Department of Human Services - Office of Children, Youth and Families (CYF). In conjunction with the courts, CYF determines the appropriate placement for neglected, abused or abandoned children and then refers these families to ASCI. In addition to Allegheny County, ASCI works with Philadelphia, Delaware and Berks counties in the state of Pennsylvania.

The agency has a demonstrated track record in constructing an organization capable of responding to and supporting a changing foster care system that acknowledges the benefits of kinship care. Our data is consistent with national studies that indicate children in kinship care typically experience better outcomes in safety, permanency and well-being than those in traditional foster care.

Organization Data


Organization name

A Second Chance Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Children & Family




(412) 665-2300