Action on Smoking & Health

A nonprofit organization

3 donors

About 25% of all deaths in the US are related to tobacco. That's more than murders, car accidents, and HIV/AIDs combined. And 10% of all deaths worldwide are the result of tobacco-related diseases.

The worst part is that tobacco-related diseases & deaths are all PREVENTABLE.

Our Challenge: The tobacco industry makes billions of dollars selling its deadly products with no intention to ever stop. It also uses its profits to block anti-tobacco measures and addict future generations. That’s where you come in!

With your help, we can make life unpleasant for the tobacco industry by increasing taxes, increasing marketing bans, adding graphic health warnings on its products, and excluding its products from free trade agreements. 

This will, in turn, lower the number of new and current smokers because of the price increase, the jarring warning images on products, and fewer temptations via advertisements.

But we cannot take down the tobacco industry without you! It already has a financial head start, raking in $664 billion (with a B) in 2010; that’s greater than the GDP of all but 18 nations.

However, the anti-tobacco community is ready to endure and WIN this fight for global health! So join us! 


Organization Data


Organization name

Action on Smoking & Health

Tax id (EIN)





1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Seventh Floor



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