Advancing Native Missions

A nonprofit organization

It may come as a surprise to you to learn that more than 80% of world evangelization is being done by native missionaries. Although we confidently affirm the important role that Western mission organizations have played and continue to play in many regions of the world, we also know that Western missions alone is not enough. As more and more countries close their doors to Western mission organizations, Advancing Native Missions finds that the best way to reach these nations with the Gospel is through native or indigenous missionaries: Indians reaching India, Iranians reaching Iran, etc. Not only do native missionaries already know the language and culture they are working in, but they don’t have to worry about entry visas or getting deported. Native missionaries are also spiritually fruitful: many baptize hundreds of new believers and plant dozens of new churches over the course of their lifetime. Moreover, because they live at the same economic level as those they are ministering to—just $100 or $50 a month in some places—native missionaries represent the best investment in terms of world evangelization. Headquartered near Charlottesville, Virginia, Advancing Native Missions is an inter-denominational, evangelical, non-profit missions organization founded in 1992 that serves as a bridge between native missions organizations and the body of Christ in North America. Our staff family of approximately 60 come from various nations (U.S., India, Indonesia, Philippines) and from various backgrounds (engineering, law, education, pastoral ministry), but we all have two things in common: a love for the Lord and a love for indigenous missionaries. ANM staff travel to the frontiers of world evangelization to personally survey and evaluate native missions organizations which are reaching unreached peoples. We look for ministries which adhere to an evangelical faith, demonstrate financial accountability, and show solid evidence of spiritual fruitfulness. Source:

Organization Data


Organization name

Advancing Native Missions

Tax id (EIN)





PO BOX 5303


(540) 456-7111