Organization name
Agape Center NRV
other names
Agape Center Corporation
Tax id (EIN)
Faith , Community , Humanitarian Aid
1175 Cambria Street NEChristiansburg, VA 24073
Agape Center NRV is a Christ-centered nonprofit outreach ministry. Our goal is to attend to the heartfelt needs of those in our local community, by the giving of themselves and their resources.
In addition to providing the basic necessities we also mentor every client and provide spiritual support through prayer and genuine relationships. Our hope is to help people turn to, or return to a Christ-centered life.
The Agape Center NVR is a part of a larger network of Agape Centers in Virginia. The first Agape Center was formed in 2004 in Moneta, VA . They have grown from a small food and clothing pantry to a large multifaceted ministry. Moneta now serves upwards of 3,000 individuals each month in a 27,000 square foot building.
The Agape Center NRV began when two food pantries, a diaper pantry, a clothing bank, plus 24 church and ministry leaders agreed to come under one banner, the Agape Center NRV. Their goal is to make a greater impact in the NRV, for the glory of God and his son, Jesus Christ.
A local Advisory Committee was established in March of 2020. In August of 2020, the Agape Center NRV opened its humble doors. Our center serves nearly 1200 people each month and we are growing steadily. Currently we have 22 partnering churches and hundreds of volunteers.
Visit to find more ways to get involved with all God is doing through this incredible ministry.
Since opening in August of 2020, Agape Center NRV has provided over $2,000,000 in resources with the help from our partners. These resources go to help families in need. Agape services allow clients to have their needs met while maintaining dignity and self respect.
Agape Center NRV operates with zero paid staff, 100% volunteer support, and extremely low overhead thus ensuring maximum impact for every dollar that is donated. Whether you choose to give monthly or a one-time gift, when you choose to support Agape Center NRV, you can know that your contribution is making a real difference in the community!
We are so grateful to our Partner Churches and Organizations for actively participating to support the efforts of Agape Center here in the New River Valley. We hope that other churches and aligned businesses will join us in our effort.
Bethel Community Church Christian Growth Center
The River Anglican Church
Blacksburg Christian Fellowship Dwelling Place
Tried Stone Christian Center
Blacksburg First Church Of God Hope Valley Church
Trinity Community Church
Blue Ridge Church Midway Community Church
Valley Bible Church
Cambria Baptist Church New Life Christian Fellowship
Victory Restoration Church
Christiansburg Baptist Church New River Fellowship
Meridian Bird Removal
Christiansburg Church Of The Brethren Providence Presbyterian Church
Wellspring Tree Care
Cowboy Church Of Pulaski The Bridge
Organization name
Agape Center NRV
other names
Agape Center Corporation
Tax id (EIN)
Faith , Community , Humanitarian Aid
1175 Cambria Street NE