Aid For Friends, Inc. offers opportunities, resources, and services to empower people to bring stability into their daily lives.
Emergency Shelter
- A secure and clean place to sleep, eat, shower, wash laundry, obtain clothing and personal hygiene items.
- The only homeless shelter in Bannock, Bingham, Caribou, Bear Lake, Onieda, Power, and Franklin Counties that make up Southeastern Idaho.
- In 2014, sheltered 397 people for a total of 7,700 bed nights and 8,000 evening meals.
Case Management
- Assists clients working toward securing employment and medical/social services.
- Partners with other social services to ensure clients receive all support that they need.
Transitional Housing
- Manages 11 housing units provided for up to 2 years of affordable housing for qualified families and individuals.
- Helps clients become self-sufficient.
- Since inception, over 175 people used the transitional housing program.
Other Community Services
- Coordinates referrals from local religious organizations.
- Offers clothing, meals, showers, laundry facilities to those in need.