Alexandria Crew Boosters Club Inc

A nonprofit organization

$9,695 raised by 109 donors

It is 6 a.m. on a Saturday when the first blade slices into the water.  The sun is an orange blur on the horizon of the Potomac when the call, “All 8 sitting ready. Row!” touches the ears of the crew.  When most teenagers in Alexandria are asleep, the young men and women who represent the TC Williams’ rowing program are marching down the dock, boats balanced on shoulders, to start another practice.

The Alexandria Crew Boosters exists to ensure that the great rowing tradition at TC continues.  Just two years after World War II ended, the first boys’ team was formed.  They were joined by the girls’ team in 1974.  Since their inceptions, both teams have had tremendous success.  They have won state championships, national championships, the Stotesbury Cup, and the Canadian National Championships.  Our rowers have gone on to be world champions and Olympians.  We are very proud of their successes.

Success comes at a cost.  Because the expenses associated with rowing can be prohibitive, it is often considered an elitist sport. New racing shells alone are priced at more than $30,000, but there are also oars and other rowing gear to be purchased, trips to regattas to fund, and this adds up to more than most public school programs can afford.  The Alexandria Crew Boosters provides financial support for equipment, travel and scholarships.  We ensure that every athlete who wants to row is given the tools to succeed, and succeed they do.   

Rowing is about sacrifice.  It builds strength, character and teamwork. Please join us in supporting these remarkable young men and women.  We are the Titans!



Organization Data


Organization name

Alexandria Crew Boosters Club Inc

Tax id (EIN)



P.O. Box 3202