Alliance of Concerned Men

A nonprofit organization

2 donors


Working for the people every day for the past 23 years on proposals, peace treaties, programs, and agreements have led us to times such as now.  We’ve already been through an era when homicides were accepted as the norm, when the lead story of the morning news was about one of our youth being killed, when the funerals of our youth were five times a week and shootings were taking place at the churches where the funerals were being held.  This was when families and our youth knew their communities need help. Now help us move the city forward!


  • Since 1991 Alliance of Concerned Men has touched and changed the lives of more than 10 thousand at-risk youth.


  • Helped reduce the homicide rate in the District of Colombia from 482 murders in 1991 to 88 in 2012.


  • Now introducing Cyber Mentoring our newest cutting-edge program that is designed to reach the unreachable youth by connecting through cyber space. Information technology meets outreach!


  • In 2015, implementing our newest program “Stepping Stone” that is designed to go into schools to educate, mentor and motivate our youth and families. ACM projects to reduce the dropout rate by 30% - 40% over the next 5 years, dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline.


  • The Alliance of Concerned Men success stories have been featured in the Washington Post, US News and World Report, The New York Times, Readers Digest, The Washingtonian. Furthermore ACM was endorsed by the United States Attorney General Eric Holder, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes-Norton, John Marks of Common Grounds, DC Police Chief Catherine Lanier, and Jeremy Travis, President of John Jay College of Criminal Justice. 


ACM is committed to reaching the “unreachable”, and…

Our vision includes you!

By donating today to Alliance of Concerned Men you will help educate our youth and families today for a promising tomorrow!


Organization Data


Organization name

Alliance of Concerned Men

Tax id (EIN)



3227 Dubois Place, SE


(202) 903-1002