Alternate Avenues Womens Resource Center

A nonprofit organization

1 donor

Prayer changes things. Take Anna’s story, for instance. She and her boyfriend, Jacob, had a suspicion she might be pregnant so they went to Family Planning in Montclair. Seeing several posters on the walls explaining the abortion services, Jacob told Anna, “We can’t do this. It isn’t right.” They left the abortion clinic and looked online for a different type of assistance. Thankfully they found Assure.

Their meeting with a client advocate at Assure proved to be a turning point in their lives. Anna confessed to her advocate that she didn’t want an abortion, but that she was very much afraid of telling her father she was pregnant. He was paying for her education and she was close to completing her training as a licensed vocational nurse (LVN). She knew he would be angry and disappointed. The advocate asked Anna if she was willing to have Jacob join them in the consulting room. Anna agreed, and the advocate was able to hear Jacob’s side of the story. Their relationship was obviously strained by this unexpected pregnancy, but neither of them was happy about the idea of an abortion. Anna and Jacob were encouraged by their advocate to pray together on a regular basis, for strength and wisdom. Jacob was skeptical about what good that would do, but agreed to give it a try.

Two weeks later, they returned to Assure for their ultrasound. It was obvious that something significant had happened because their faces had lost the strained, anxious look from their previous appointment. They actually looked at peace. When their client advocate asked how they were doing, Jacob excitedly shared how they had begun to do just as they had been advised – they began to pray together at least 15 minutes every day, thanking God and asking Him to show them His plan. The amazing thing, said Jacob, was how they began seeing answers to their prayers. Doors began opening for them that they had thought were closed. He had even received a job offer. “You were right!” he told the client advocate. “God really does care and He really does answer prayer.”

Assure Pregnancy Clinic is more than just a clinic where physical needs are met; it’s a place where spiritual help and encouragement are provided at the moment of great need.

Your support makes it possible for young people, like Anna and Jacob, to reconnect with God and find the help they need to face the challenge of an unexpected pregnancy. They have a rekindled faith, as well as a new baby on the way. They are blessed, and you were instrumental is making this happen.

Organization Data


Organization name

Alternate Avenues Womens Resource Center

Tax id (EIN)





(909) 920-5518