Organization name
Alum Rock Counseling Center Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family
777 N 1ST ST STE 444SAN JOSE, CA 95112
Helping youth discover their true potential
Before joining Alum Rock Counseling Center's programs, Rudy was not making positive choices, his grades were struggling, he was hanging around gang members and he was experimenting with drugs and alcohol.Â
Our staff provided him with 1-on-1 counseling and life-skills lessons and today he is getting ready to graduate from middle school - a huge accomplishment for Rudy because he believed he would follow in the same footsteps of family members who are in and out of the system. He has learned specific skills that help him through difficult situations such as the 3C's: Clarifying situations, thinking of the consequences, and choosing. Today, he chooses to not get himself in situations that will take him away from his future and his home.
For over 40 years, Alum Rock Counseling Center (ARCC) has helped the most at-risk youths and families in Santa Clara County in breaking the cycles of trauma, academic failure, and poverty. By offering recovery partnerships that are empathic, hopeful, integrated, and strenghs-based, ARCC allows our youth to choose a pafferent path and reclaim their lives.Â
Our unique delivery model is at the heart of our success:
We serve the most in need in San Jose           Â
4 highest risk zip codes, 3 highest need school districts, 90% ethnically diverse (predominantly Latino), 3,700+ youth and their families annually
Whenever and wherever most needed           Â
24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 54 different schools, in homes, in the community, at Juvenille Hall
In a language and in a way our youth and families understand                               Â
ARCC's staff is 89% ethnically diverse, 80% bilingual, speak 9 different languages, 57% live in the high risk zip codes we serve
Organization name
Alum Rock Counseling Center Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family
777 N 1ST ST STE 444