American Cancer Society Inc

A nonprofit organization

18 donors

As the official sponsor of birthdays, the American Cancer Society knows how important each and every birthday can be. We believe our organization’s 100th birthday is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to celebrate the lifesaving progress against cancer we’ve made together this past century. We have set the agenda for the next 100 years – what we believe can and will be cancer’s last century.

With your help, we want to finish the fight.

  • We’re determined to make this cancer’s last century. 
  • We want to change the statistics from 2 out of 3 people surviving cancer today in the US to 3 out of 3 surviving.
  • We’ve never been more ready to put the American Cancer Society out of business.

We know from 100 years of saving lives that silence won’t finish this fight – only action will. Our 100th birthday gives us all the opportunity to be as loud and active as possible in the battle to end cancer.

  • Let’s make noise by continuing to ensure lifesaving cancer research gets funded.
  • Let’s get loud by making sure people facing cancer have the help they need, like a free place to stay during treatment and a ride to get there.
  • Let’s amplify our efforts to keep fighting for everyone to have access to quality health care, lifesaving screenings, clean air, and more.  

One hundred years ago, the American Cancer Society began the fight of a lifetime – the fight against cancer. Now it’s time to join together to finish the fight. We can’t do this alone. To get loud, we need everyone in our community to join us today! Make some noise by taking action now!

Organization Data


Organization name

American Cancer Society Inc

Tax id (EIN)





691 Sierra Rose Dr, Suite A
Reno, NV 89511

