American Horticultural Society Inc

A nonprofit organization

3 donors

Every year thousands of Alexandria residents visit our Children's Garden and stroll through our sustainable gardens on the banks of the Potomac.

The American Horticultural Society is based at historic River Farm in Alexandria. Four miles south of Old Town, just off the George Washington Parkway, our 25-acre garden is open to the public without charge every week of the year.

The Green Garage® is an outdoor educational building, display, and garden at River Farm that showcases the tools, equipment, materials, and techniques to support sustainable gardening.

The goal of the Green Garage® is to encourage gardeners to take a leading role as stewards of the earth by helping them make well-informed, responsible decisions about how they garden.

Please help us improve this educational garden display by donating today.

As you can see in our photos, staff and volunteers have torn out and replanted some of the surrounding garden.

We need $15,000 to complete the rejuvenation of this garden display. $10,000 will go to replacing the living, plant-covered "green" roof on the Green Garage®.

We also need funding to: purchase more plants to renovate the surrounding garden area, complete additional structural repairs to the garage building, add more demonstration props, and update educational materials.

The Green Garage® is a realistic teaching tool for gardeners of all ages. 

AHS is proud to be a three-star rated charity by Charity Navigator, America's largest independent evaluator of charities.

Find out more about AHS and River Farm, and please come visit us soon. We offer books and tools for sustainable gardening in our Garden Shop, to take home and encourage a lifelong interest in environmentally friendly gardens.

Share these tips for sustainable gardening:

Tips from the Green Garage®

  • Be a green consumer
  • Use water efficiently
  • Select the right tool for every job
  • Recycle and minimize yard and kitchen waste
  • Practice Integrated Pest Management [IPM]
  • Take good care of your soil
  • Design an earth-friendly garden with size-appropriate plants
  • Protect yourself and the environment
  • Be an informed gardener and keep records
  • Be part of a green community

Organization Data


Organization name

American Horticultural Society Inc

Tax id (EIN)





(703) 768-5700