Organization name
Arizona College Scholarship Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Many students in Arizona have the talent to succeed in college yet they feel college is an unrealistic goal due to financial limitations. Arizona College Scholarship Foundation (ACSF) identifies these high potential, low income students, provides college scholarships to them and coaches them through the college experience to ensure their success.
Nayeli A. was an honors high school student graduating with a 3.95 GPA. Raised by a single mom, she knew she would have to find her own way to pay for college. She dreamed of going to ASU, studying biology, and becoming a pediatric neurologist. She earned scholarships that would cover tuition but there was still the expense of books and dorms or transportation from her home in Maricopa to campus each day. As an ASCF Scholar, Nayeli has been able to live on campus and focus on her studies. She interned at Barrow Neurological Institute her freshman year and developed an interest in research. This year, she is working with professors at ASU on a research project in Nanotechnology developing a laser that has the ability to destroy HIV cells before the onset of AIDS. What if this young lady with these amazing gifts and talents had not been able to go to college? Or had to enroll in school part time? What if she struggled and quit after her first semester as many students do?
Currently only 35% of Arizonan's hold an advanced degree. The Arizona Board of Regents calls for a 24% increase in the number of bachelor's degrees awarded by 2017. The Lumina Foundation calls for 60% of the population to hold college degrees by 2025. The only way to meet these challenges is to get more students enrolled in college and to ensure the students in college complete their degrees.
ACSF not only makes college a reality for our scholars, but we also give them the tools to succeed in college. From our College Success Advisors to our annual Leadership Symposium, ACSF works with students to ensure they have the skills needed to navigate the collegiate process and the support system to propel them forward.
ACSF College Success Advisors meet with students throughout the semester, assisting them with any issues that may get in the way of their education, from financial issues and study habits to mental health and homelessness. Often they are the only support system these scholars have.
Take for example the story of Maria B. She excelled in high school but knew her family could not afford to send her to college. In fact, her parents frowned upon going to college. They saw more value in working and earning money to help sustain their household of eight children. As an ACSF Scholar, Maria's struggles during her first semester at ASU were reflected in her grades. Maria was wrestling with the knowledge that she was given an opportunity that many others in her neighborhood did not have. She met with her ACSF Advisor and together they developed a plan of action. Maria joined a women's advocacy group, began working with at risk teens and developed a personal connection to her school. She graduated with a 3.5 GPA and is now enrolled in graduate school. Not only did the services of ACSF have an impact on Maria, but they also had an indirect impact on her parents and seven siblings, demonstrating to them the success that is attainable through hard work. Two of Maria’s younger siblings are now enrolled in college and the others are working hard toward that goal.
ACSF students are also provided opportunities for networking and learning job search skills during ACSF's annual Leadership Symposium. This all day event takes place each January, and includes motivational speakers, team building activities, workshops such as "Resume Writing", "Engaging in Philanthropy" and "YOU: The Brand", and opportunities for mingling with fellow ACSF Scholars. All ACSF Scholars participate in this annual event.
Since it was founded in 2005, ACSF has provided scholarship funds in excess of $8.9 million to 684 students. Currently there are 463 students in the ACSF program. To date, 116 ACSF Scholars have graduated from college and 40 more are on pace to do so in Spring 2013.
Funds raised during Arizona Gives Day will help us continue our College Success Service program which includes the one to one mentoring of ACSF Scholars and the annual Leadership Program.
Organization name
Arizona College Scholarship Foundation
Tax id (EIN)