Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

41-61% of Asian women in the U.S. experience physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Cultural and language barriers, financial dependence and misinformation around legal rights add to the complexity of issues among survivors of domestic violence.

For over 30 years, Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATASK) has provided a critical lifeline for the staggering number of Asian families impacted by domestic violence. ATASK is New England's only provider of culturally and linguistically specific services for shelter, advocacy and outreach to Asian survivors, families, and communities.

By supporting ATASK, you will be providing HOPE to survivors...

H - Housing in emergency shelter/24-hour multilingual hotline/crisis intervention

O - Outreach & Education (increasing awareness and community participation in preventing domestic violence; teen dating violence workshops)

P - Programs in Boston and Lowell that empower clients to live safe & self-sufficient lives (ESOL/Life Skills/Financial & Computer Literacy/Legal & Immigration Advocacy)

- Education & Training that includes child/parent activities and cultural competency training of professionals


Organization Data


Organization name

Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence, Inc.

other names


Tax id (EIN)



PO Box 120108
BOSTON, MA 02112



Social Media