Organization name
Advancing Communities by Educating and Serving
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Economic Development, Humanitarian Aid
We are ordinary people. Our lives are connected by a common thread, the desire to make a difference. We have been irrevocably changed by our experiences in the Dominican Republic. What we have seen and heard has moved our hearts so that we will never be the same. The poverty, the lack of basic health care, the hunger, the pollution, the unschooled children…the list is endless.
We are compassionate. Advancing Communities by Educating and Serving (ACES North America) was born out of love for our fellow man. For many of us this love is rooted in our personal spiritual beliefs, but we are independent of any religious affiliation. This gives us the freedom to work cooperatively with non-faith based institutions as we bring aid to those in need.
We are volunteers. There is no pay for what we do. We give of our time, our talents and our resources because we feel that we have no choice. We cannot walk away from what we have experienced. And we are passionate. The organization was born from one woman’s dream and it is spreading far beyond her vision. It is the people to people contact which is making this happen.
Improving health, education, and quality of life is the guiding force behind every ACES project, and that goal is accomplished by building a network of donors, suppliers, and volunteers. In addition, ACES helps to enhance community development through technical and professional training, leadership training, clean water projects, and women’s group development.
Currently we work with 2 Dominican organizations, Avanzada Comunal Ensenando & Sanando and Fundacion Mahatma Gandhi. See the specific projects for which we are seeking funding at this time.
Organization name
Advancing Communities by Educating and Serving
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Economic Development, Humanitarian Aid