Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee

A nonprofit organization

16 donors

For more than 100 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters has operated under the belief that inherent in every child is the ability to succeed and thrive in life. As the nation’s largest donor and volunteer supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”), ages 6 through 18, in communities across the country. We develop positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people.

The Big Brothers Big Sisters Mission is to help children reach their potential through one-to-one relationships with mentors that have a measurable impact on youth.

The Big Brothers Big Sisters Vision is successful mentoring relationships for all children who need and want them, contributing to brighter futures, better schools, and stronger communities for all.

Our Programs Start Something!

Here's the proof. National research has shown that positive relationships between Littles and their Bigs have a direct and measurable impact on children’s lives. By participating in our programs, Little Brothers and Sisters are:

  • more confident in their schoolwork performance   
  • able to get along better with their families   
  • 46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs   
  • 27% less likely to begin using alcohol   
  • 52% less likely to skip school.


The following are two real-life stories of BBBSMT matches:

He Cares About Me

Little Brother Thomas and Big Brother Jamie Qualk have been matched in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program since February of 2008.

They like to play sports, especially dodgeball.  They work on school work, too, but Thomas is quick to point out he likes dodgeball better.  Jamie regularly checks in with Thomas about his goals for school and encourages him to think about how his achievement of short term goals can lead to the achievement of long term goals.  While it’s not often something that one might “spotlight,” it’s great that Jamie continues to show up ready to encourage and celebrate Thomas – even after several years.  When staff asked young Thomas to share one thing he likes about Jamie, he said “he cares about me.”

Sometimes, it really is just that simple.

What Makes Life Worth Living

Tom Sheahan started mentoring through Big Brothers Big Sisters in 1990. He was matched with his Little Brother JC Moseley for seven years and they had all sorts of adventures together.  Tom introduced JC to ice skating and hockey, and JC ended up playing university level hockey a few years down the road.  

After seven years together, Tom moved to Australia for work, but continued to keep in touch with JC and his mother. Like so many others, he said, "I didn’t think what I was doing was monumental or life changing. I was just hanging out with my little buddy."

Two years later, Tom ended up returning back to the US, and the two reconnected in Chicago.  This summer the Big Brother returned from his Little Brother's wedding celebration - and was so touched by the kind words his mentee and his Mom said, “What I difference I made in his life.”

We agree,  it is all of the simple things in life - that make it worth living.


Your support goes far.

 Your financial support helps us provide our programs and services in your local community—so we can develop more college grads, community leaders and entrepreneurs.

Your financial support starts lots of things, like:
• recruiting new Big Brother and Big Sister volunteers
• covering the costs of background checks, while ensuring trained professionals match Littles to responsible Bigs
• enabling ongoing supervision and relationship support for every Big, Little and Little’s family
• providing cultural and social activities to enrich the opportunities for children

Your donation positively impacts a child’s life. Not to mention, it makes you a part of something big. Start something now. It's not just a donation. It's an investment in a child's future.

Organization Data


Organization name

Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee

Tax id (EIN)



Children & Family




(615) 329-9191