Black Sustainability Inc

A nonprofit organization

$225 raised by 3 donors

5% complete

$5,000 Goal



Black Sustainability, Inc. (BSI) is the largest global organization for sustainability practitioners and enthusiasts of Afrikan descent and indigenous Black people. We are on a mission to make the triple bottom line of (P)eople, (P)lanet, and (P)rofit inclusive of us, for us, and by us!

Black and Green since 2016, this is who we are, what we have done, and our goals for the near future:

Black Sustainability Network (BSN) 

With over 2,200 members, we have the largest global network of Black/Afrikan sustainability businesses, organizations, professionals, ecopreneurs, and enthusiasts. As an umbrella organization, we raise awareness of our members and their products, projects, research, and services. We also offer a private social platform where members connect, exchange knowledge, and provide opportunities to do business with each other for a stronger Black and Green supply chain. 

Goal: with your support, we will expand our support team to better facilitate collaboration amongst members. 

Black Sustainability Summit (BSS)

An annual "online & onland gathering" of Black and Green like-minds from around the world. We have hosted as many as 2,000 attendees, ranging from environmental scientists, farmers, and ecopreneurs to healers, homeschooling to homesteading families, intentional community developers, and more. Our presenters and attendees exchange traditional, nature-inspired wisdom and best practices to address modern-day challenges. Each year our committed team of volunteers continue to expand the number of presenters and attendees across disciplines and from underrepresented regions. 

Goal: with your support, we can cover the minimum cost of the annual Summit and do outreach to secure committed, multi-level sponsors.  

Black Sustainability's RBG Impact Fund 

Successfully piloted in 2020, we have crowdsourced roughly $10,000 from network members and other donors to directly support the projects and business development for our members. 

Goal: with your support, we will implement an endowment strategy for perpetual growth to formally launch our Fund for unapologetic Black and Green initiatives.

We give thanks for your support in helping us GROW our GREEN this GIVING TUESDAY!

Organization Data


Organization name

Black Sustainability Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Education Environment Community


1403 Downs Drive SW
Atlanta, GA 30311



Social Media