Organization name
Bluegrass Council of the Blind
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Science, Tech & Business , Community
1093 S Broadway Ste 1230Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 259-1834
The mission of Bluegrass Council of the Blind is to provide resources and services to all people affected by a loss of sight, improving lives for all by empowering persons with a loss of vision to continue living independently as productive, contributing members of their community and to educate the public on the rights, abilities and needs of the blind and visually impaired. Services are available to anyone directly or indirectly impacted by the effects of a loss of sight.
According to most recent US Census Data, more than 11,500 citizens 18 years and older in Fayette and surrounding counties are blind or visually impaired. The impact of vision loss extends far beyond the individual(s) who experience the personal loss of sight. Family and friends are often expected to function as informal extensions of healthcare and other service systems. This adds to the emotional distress often experienced by those with vision loss and those closest to them.
BCB seeks to be an engine of opportunity for persons affected by vision loss in our community. Whether you are blind or visually impaired; whether you are a friend or family member of someone who is; whether you are a teacher, a service provider or a community member looking for a way to help, Bluegrass Council of the Blind offers something for you.
Programs include Peer Support and Assistive Technology and Training. Some of the services provided include support group meetings, one-on-one peer mentoring, demonstrations and hands-on trials of technology items, group and individual training of accessibility features on smart phones and tablets, introduction of software and applications for blind and low vision PC and tablet users, a technology lending library, and much more.
BCB publishes a bi-monthly newsletter available in large print, on cassette tape, or via email. Our mailing list is a great way to stay informed of the various activities of BCB, pending legislation and/or public policy affecting the blind and visually impaired as well as other items of interest and activities within the community. Click here to sign up!
Organization name
Bluegrass Council of the Blind
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Science, Tech & Business , Community
1093 S Broadway Ste 1230Phone
(859) 259-1834