Bridges Covenant Church strives to be a place where unchurched people feel welcome. Our comfortable, coffee house atmosphere combined with a contemporary worship hour is inviting to both experienced Christians and those checking out this “Jesus thing” for the first time. We believe God loves everyone no matter where they are at in their lives. We also believe he loves you too much to leave you where you're at. We live this out by welcoming all to our church and challenging each person to live a Christ centered life.
Bridges currently runs one service on Sunday morning along with children’s programming. On Wednesdays we offer a teaching and small group discussion time for those wanting to gain insight to what God's word has to tell us. Our building is also used for community programs such as Weight Watchers and Narcotics Anonymous.
Donations and tithes will be used for daily operations and maintenance of our building. In addition, we are looking to expand our community outreach opportunities. Thank you in advance for helping us to love God, love people, and serve the world!
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