Organization name
Diocese of Western Mass Corp
Tax id (EIN)
The Building Bridges Veterans Initiative is a program of the Episcopal Diocese of Western MA dedicated to creating better ways of caring for local veterans.
Too often, our veterans are isolated, lonely, and lack the kind of care and support they need to make a success transition back to civilian life. We believe the Church is uniquely qualified to address the social, emotional, and spiritual issues that veterans today often face.
By creating supportive and intential spaces for veterans to gather throughout Western Massachusetts, often over a delicious hot meal, we believe we can help veterans, their families, their friends, and local civilians concerned with the issues that veterans face, build sustainable commnities of camaraderie!
We have two communities in Northampton, MA. The first, a lunch for veterans, their families, and friends, totally free of charge and designed to encourage fellowship and friendship. These occur every Wednesday from 12-1:30 at the World War II CLub (50 Conz Street). The second is a group for women help in the Parlor of First Churches (129 Man Street, Northampton) to create a safe place for women to gather together, where veterans and nonveterans are both welcome.
We have also just begun a weekly luncheon in Springfield, every Tuesday at the offices of Springfield PArtners for Community Action from 11-1pm. Join us for hot food and great conversation (721 State Street, Springfield MA!)
Finally, Building Bridges is pleased to announce the launching of its new three-part curriculum for parishes, communities of faith, or people interested in taking part in veterans ministry. With topics covering Moral Injury and the Just War Theory, Beyond the Polarizing Politics of War, and Homward Bound: A Look at Veteran Homelessness, this comprehensive curriculum helps interested parties get a feel for the issues facing our communities today, including the veterans communities, and how they might take part in alleviating the ailments of our servicemen and women.
Organization name
Diocese of Western Mass Corp
Tax id (EIN)