Cunha Athletic Boosters

A nonprofit organization

$2,985 raised by 37 donors

60% complete

$5,000 Goal

Cunha Athletic Boosters (CAB) is a volunteer-based, registered 501c3 non-profit organization (Tax ID# 45-5161883) committed to raising funds to support a wide variety of competitive sports teams, allowing as many students as possible to participate. CAB encourages students to become academically successful student athletes, promoting school and community spirit.


For many Coastside kids Cunha Athletics is their first experience with organized sports. By being offered the chance to participate in sports like flag football, volleyball or cross country many students find a passion not available to them on the coast before their junior high years. Beyond the physical benefits sports provides students are able to learn important life lessons and widen their exposure to different peer groups and create friendships with kids they might never had the chance to connect with.

Organization Data


Organization name

Cunha Athletic Boosters

Tax id (EIN)





600 Church Street
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019