Conservation Corps of Long Beach

A nonprofit organization

$3,408 raised by 25 donors

CCLB's employs and trains young people of limited means primarily from communities of color in conservation-related jobs in order to help them acquire the skills and resources to become and remain self-sufficient. Funding through Long Beach Gives will allow CCLB to continue to provide support services to young people in order to help them thrive as they work towards self-sufficiency. Corpsmembers are out of school, unemployed or underemployed and/or are unprepared to enter the workforce. Some are high school dropouts needing to support themselves, possibly their children or even their immediate family. Other Corpsmembers may have a high school diploma but lack the academic skills, work ethic, training or work experience to remain employed and advance their career goals. They typically present a wide range of issues that have delayed them getting a high school diploma, pursuing advanced training or college, and fully participating in the workforce. Without interventions, their issues and personal struggles can bring about undesirable behaviors and poorly made decisions that can lead to interaction with the courts and manifest into incarceration, recidivism, chronic unemployment and/or a life of low paying, unskilled jobs that impede their social and economic equity.

In collaboration with The Education Corps, Corpsmembers who need to earn their high school diploma and complete CCLB's various work experience and training programs attend school at our Atlantic Ave. facility where the school is located. Support staff attend to the social-emotional issues (CCLB recently brought on board a full-time social worker to help address mental health and related areas) these young adults have and provide the individual mentoring, case management and referrals to community resources they need. These resources help Corpsmembers address and overcome the various issues that caused them to drop out of high school, not enter/remain in the workforce and be unable to further their educational and career goals. Once settled and established in the program, support staff (e.g. case managers) then work with Corpsmembers on their supportive service needs and long-term career aspirations and help remove the long-term barriers that may get in the way. Career development assistance and training offers Corpsmembers guidance on how to effectively develop resumes, conduct job and college searches, embrace and refine interview techniques and even hold mock interviews. CCLB staff provides training for personal and career development such as life skills (interpersonal skills, problem solving), personal development (anger management, conflict resolution), health and wellness (fitness, nutrition), financial literacy (budgeting, credit, bank accounts) and career information and exploration.


Six years ago, my life was nothing but chaos. I hit rock-bottom in life and thought that everything was over for me. I had no idea what to do with my life or what I would do next until I picked up a newspaper and saw an advertisement for the Conservation Corps of Long Beach. It was at that moment that I saw the light at the end of the tunnel and my second chance at a new life. A new opportunity that allowed me to leave all of my mistakes and sorrows in the past and focus on my future. I walked into the Conservation Corps of Long Beach and began working on obtaining my high school diploma. Soon after I was incorporated into the work training program that is offered to students. While working with CCLB, I became an intern for the City of Long Beach at City Hall, the Environmental Services Bureau, and was able to make connections with people from all walks of life. By the following June, I had completed the credits I needed to be able to participate in my graduating class. I was chosen by teachers and my peers to be the representative for my class and for the first time, gave one of the most important speeches of my life.

After graduating from The Education Corps via CCLB and completing the job training program, I enrolled at Long Beach City College. While there, I became an advocate for the student/parent population, a mentor for the Long Beach BLAST program, joined the LBCC Honors program and became a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. I was also a student worker for the CalWorks office as well as the receptionist for the Human Resources Department working with both classified and non-classified employees. I graduated from Long Beach City College with Honors and received two Associate Degrees, one in Psychology and the other in Sociology. I was also awarded two scholarships! I began my first semester as a transfer student to California State University, Long Beach where I am currently working on my Bachelor's Degree in Psychology with a minor in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies...

Organization Data


Organization name

Conservation Corps of Long Beach

Tax id (EIN)



340 Nieto Ave
Long Beach, CA 90814



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