Organization name
Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern Arizona
Tax id (EIN)
Health, Children & Family
PO BOX 42436TUCSON, AZ 85733
William was four years old when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. We needed help! Candlelighter's parents were there to help navigate the myriad of challanges we had to face. Just knowing someone understood our predicment was useful but having a lending hand during especially tough times was a Godsend. Providing meals, helping with his siblings and being a back up for advice helped as the medical dramas unfolded. Candlelighters Family Camp was an annual tradition we all looked forward to and the monthly events were a great way to keep in touch as our children went through their treatment....Beverley, Candlelighter parent
Organization name
Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern Arizona
Tax id (EIN)
Health, Children & Family
PO BOX 42436