Canterbury School of Florida

A nonprofit organization

$4,440 raised by 47 donors

Our school is full of budding engineers, artists, writers, scientists, entrepreneurs, diplomats, and scholars thanks to the myriad challenging and inspiring academic programs available to them.
Our learning community is highly collaborative, real-world focused, and research-based. Cutting-edge digital tools extend conversations beyond the classroom and advance student-driven, global learning. At Canterbury,

  • Our students will learn to make sound, thoughtful decisions in their academic, personal, and professional lives.
  • Our students will learn to balance studies, passions, family and friends, a life skill that will serve them well beyond their collegiate years.
  • Our students will transform into someone well beyond anything anyone ever expected. 

At the heart of the Canterbury experience is an unwavering dedication to academic excellence, and programs that extend beyond the classroom, both figuratively and literally.

Help support our school and our outstanding faculty as they nurture our children to become academically prepared and responsible stewards of our world.

Annie Ritch, class of 2010, who graduated from Caltech in 2014 and is now a graduate student researcher at Stanford University said it best: 

                “As a young scientist, I spend my days reading, writing, and searching for novel methods to investigate the systems that characterize our planet. While I'm still finding my exact niche in academia, I am grateful every day for the verbal and quantitative skills I developed in my classes at Canterbury. Furthermore, the passion for science and discovery passed to me through the school's fabulous teachers has been an unparalleled motivator. Thank you, Canterbury, for giving me better academic preparation than I could have ever asked for!”

 Canterbury inspires children to explore their academic environment, to push beyond their comfort zones, and find their passion for learning. Your gift makes a difference in the lives of our students by helping to support the academic and extracurricular programs that inspire students and future graduates like Annie!


Organization Data


Organization name

Canterbury School of Florida

Tax id (EIN)





990 62ND AVE NE