Celebrating Families!

A nonprofit organization

3 donors

What do you practice today that you learned in CF! 

  • How to be a loving mother and to sit down all together to eat as a family.
  • That communication is the key.
  • Family Time, Dinner Time…. accepting that families come from different sizes, people…no shame….shower my kids with love and hugs.
  • Reading to my kids for the very first time.
  • Affirmations and the importance of just spending time and being present with and for my kids.
  • Practice being consistent with everything I do.
  • Telling my kids every day that I love them.
  • Being honest with my children.
  • Always being able to say I love you to my kids.
  • Taking time for each of my kids.


Celebrating Families! ™  helps families recover from addiction and live a safe, healthy and happy life. It is an evidence based program shown by evaluators to strengthen recovery, improve family re-unification and increase healthy living skills for families impacted by addiction and abuse. It is the only program listed on the federal National Registry of Effective Programs and Practices that engages all family members and addresses addiction, recovery and living skills in every session. The program is also available in Spanish, ¡Celebrando Familias!.


Celebrating Families!™ is a multi-family, strength-based, trauma-informed, skills building program serving the whole family: children, their parents, and caregiversCF! impacts families in three ways: (1) It decreases risks of children’s future addiction and child abuse - breaking the family cycles of addiction and related violent lifestyles;  (2) It gives addicted parents needed skills to stay sober, to begin to heal, and to build healthy, non-violent relationships with their children; (3) It increases awareness of the correlation between abuse and addiction. Long term program outcomes are to  

1.  Decrease rates of future addiction of children

2.  Increase long-term mental, physical, and spiritual health of youth and families

3.  Increase parental rates of recovery

4.  Successfully reunify families, when appropriate.


CF!’s Goal is to build a healthy environment in families suffering from addiction and related abuse and violence, so children can be safe and healthy (physically, mentally, and emotionally) by enhancing parent-child relationships and attachment. Evaluation outcomes  show significant positive results, with very large effect sizes in parenting skills, family dynamics, and children’s mental health:

  • Doubles the rate of reunification, while decreasing time to reunification for families in Dependency Drug Court.
  • Significantly increases positive growth for youth in knowledge and use of resources, coping skills, ability to stay out of trouble.
  • Significantly increases family cohesion, communication, strengths, resilience and organization with medium effect sizes from .15 to .70*
  • Significantly impacts positive parent involvement, supervision, efficacy, and positive parenting style with effect sizes from .18 -.60.*
  • Significantly increasing parental use of "effective positive discipline" including: praising, talking, reading to, holding or cuddling, and playing with children, meals eaten as a family, ability to connect with safe people and service to others.


*“These are significant positive results with large effect sizes.   To put these effect sizes into perspective, the best social skills training prevention programs is about .30.” (LutraGroup 2007)







Organization Data


Organization name

Celebrating Families!

Tax id (EIN)



Children & Family


15040 Encina Court %Rosemary Tisch
Saratoga, ID 95070

