Crafton Hills College Foundation

A nonprofit organization

$2,550 raised by 50 donors

The Crafton Hills College Foundation provides funds and services for our students and programs which are not otherwise available through other means. Last year, we were able to provide over $300,000 in Program Support, Outreach & Community Engagement, and Special Events.  


EaCHC Fire Academy Cadets in trainingch year, the CHC Foundation provides support to various programs on campus. Support may include equipment for the Fire Academy, Emergency Textbook Loans for students, funding for transportation and/or entrance fees to field trips and equipment for classes, and coordinating donations of food and hygiene items to the COACH Cupboard to help students on campus with food insecurities or who need some assistance with basic necessities.


We reach oCHC Senior Day Tour Grouput to local schools in our community throughout the year by inviting students to the campus. One of the experiences we offer is Senior Day, where we bring seniors from local high schools to the campus to experience and learn about some of the classes and programs we offer, as well as new and updated facilities and equipment.  The CHC Foundation helps to coordinate transportation as well as provide food for these events so that the students have an exceptional experience during their visit to Crafton Hills College.


M2018 Graduates with their 4.0 award medalsotivation and recognition are two of the driving forces toward success.  It is important to celebrate the outstanding things our students accomplish and to motivate them to continue to accomplish great things.  The CHC Foundation supports the continuous development of strong relationships between students, faculty, and the community to create a culture where students feel valued.  A few of the events which are supported by the CHC Foundation include the Scholarship Convocation and Reception, Graduate Breakfast, Student Recognition Dinner, and Tea with the Deans.

Your contributions will help us to continue to provide support to Crafton Hills College's students - the students in YOUR community.  

Please Give BIG, and Be GREAT!

Organization Data


Organization name

Crafton Hills College Foundation

Tax id (EIN)



Education Community Economic Development
