Child Bridge

A nonprofit organization

7 donors

Vision: A family for every child.

Mission: Child Bridge finds and equips foster and adoptive families for children who have suffered abuse and neglect.

In the heart of Montana, Child Bridge stands as a beacon of hope amidst an unacceptable crisis. Every year, countless innocent children are torn from the ruins of devastating abuse and neglect, left to navigate a world of uncertainty and pain. Yet, the resources to provide them with nurturing families, essential for their healing and growth, are sorely lacking. Child Bridge is committed to changing this narrative, ensuring that no child faces a future as bleak as their past.

Thousands of children across Montana are ensnared in a losing battle against the aftermath of abuse and neglect. Their families shattered, they teeter on the brink of homelessness, addiction, trafficking, and other harrowing fates. Child Bridge believes in rewriting these trajectories, offering a lifeline to these vulnerable souls. With your support, we can illuminate the path towards a brighter future for every child, providing them with the love, stability, and opportunities they deserve.

Your generosity has the power to transform lives. By extending your hand, you can be the difference between despair and hope for a child in need. Your gift enables us to locate and support more families willing to open their hearts and homes to those without one. Together, we can break the cycle of trauma and pave the way for a generation of resilient, empowered individuals.

At Child Bridge, we believe that every child deserves the chance to thrive within the embrace of a loving family. Together, let's build a future where no child is left to traverse the shadows alone. 

Join us in our mission to rewrite the narratives of trauma into tales of resilience, healing, and hope.


Organization Data


Organization name

Child Bridge

Tax id (EIN)



Humanitarian Aid


PO BOX 310