Organization name
Church Growth Analysis & Learning Center
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 145 1230 US Hwy SixCORUNNA, IN 46730
The Philosophy of Ministry of Church Doctor Ministries is focused toward the goal of the transformational change of the Christian Church toward the effective implementation of the Lord’s Great Commission to make disciples of all peoples. We help churches one Christian at a time. Ministry is conducted through three primary channels, reciprocally related (they build upon one another): resources, educational events, and consultation services.
Church Doctor Ministries is a non-profit ministry. This status helps the organization function as a ministry, not just a business. It enables the ministry to provide resources and services at a price that allows more people to be involved. The ministry is not limited only to those who can afford it. The ministry is subsidized by gifts from individuals, foundations, and churches.
The attitude of Church Doctor Ministries is evangelical in tone and Christ-centered. We believe people are saved by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. We believe God’s call is not just for people to believe, but to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and in discipleship as responsible members of the Body of Christ. We are committed to practices that reflect a biblical worldview. We constantly reevaluate the quality and the quantity of our work. We are always working to be most effective. We have a passion for excellence because we believe that Christ and His Church deserve the very best. We are open to correction and improvement.
The scope of this ministry is inter-denominational, non-denominational, and international. Many of the ministry’s resources have been translated into other languages. There is no limit to the worldwide impact of this ministry. We are committed to multiplication. The ministry is indigenous. It uses materials, resources, or services set within the context of the culture in which they are being used. While not compromising biblical integrity, this indigenous translation is essential for the effective use of the ministry.
In this ministry, people are the most valuable asset. Quality people make quality organizations. Quality people will develop quality products and services and present them in a quality way. The key is people.
This ministry invests its resources generously in the development of people. Each year, staff are involved in goal setting and are challenged to improve their skills and their knowledge. The ministry provides opportunities for learning, travel, and expansion of the capabilities of its workers.
Church Doctor Ministries is an affiliate member of the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability. (ECFA)
Organization name
Church Growth Analysis & Learning Center
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 145 1230 US Hwy Six