Organization name
Colorado Outward Bound School
Tax id (EIN)
2400 South Hwy 191Moab, UT 84532
For 47 years, Outward Bound has been changing lives through challenge and discovery in the iconic Utah backcountry. The COBS Southwest Program, headquartered in Moab, serves nearly 400 students per year through rugged wilderness experiences. Students of all ages and from all backgrounds learn leadership, self-reliance, teamwork, compassion and, most of all, that there is more in them than they know.
In February, COBS purchased property to begin building a new base camp for the strong roots of our staff and students in the community. We look forward to breaking ground this fall to turn the property into an amazing basecamp so that our Southwest Program can continue to serve students well into the future.
COBS is thrilled to call the Moab community and Utah home, and to welcome students from around the world to experience learning. Our students come to explore Utah through the Outward Bound lens, and leave with a special sense of place. These students, some of them on multi-month courses, enjoy the sun, geology, and diverse activities only found in Utah.
The backpacking, canyoneering, rock climbing, and river running wilderness expeditions cover areas from the Green River down through the southern Utah canyon country, Cataract Canyon, Desolation Canyon, and the San Rafael Swell. They are among the wildest, most remote course areas in which the Colorado Outward Bound School operates. The students who spend time in Utah with COBS come away with a true awe and appreciation for its natural beauty and resources, and take those values with them beyond borders.
Organization name
Colorado Outward Bound School
Tax id (EIN)
2400 South Hwy 191