Organization name
Community Justice Center
Children & Family
4840 N. First Avenue Suite 101Fresno, CA 93726
VORP/CJC is motivated by the biblical vision of shalom (whole-making peace). We see this as existing when there are right relations between fellow human beings, and between people and God.
Restorative justice is a way to embody this biblical vision in very practical ways. Through Restorative justice practices, the community and its people can be empowered to manage their own conflicts. This can be done before further legal and/or political action may be needed.
Thus the community can become constructively involved in addressing peopleâs own injustices and/or divided social interests. By doing so, the community and the state can work together for the welfare of the people they are committed to serving.
Our mission is to motivate and support our community to actively engage in restorative justice when crime occurs.
VORP/CJC cases are referred directly by the court. During a VORP/CJC meeting a trained facilitator brings together victims, offenders and their respective supporters. Everyone discusses:Â
If the agreement is completed, then the case is closed. If the agreement is not completed, then the case gets returned to the court to be processed in the usual manner.Â
Since everyone affected by the incident is included in deciding how to repair the harm, compliance with the community conferencing agreements is extremely high (over 95%).
Organization name
Community Justice Center
Children & Family
4840 N. First Avenue Suite 101