Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
6085 West Florissant AveSaint Louis, MO 63136
While there are other second chance agencies in our community such as Women in Transition, RWFDC is unique in its entity as it is a second chance organization--with ex-offenders who once walked in the same shoes as the population it serves. We don't focus solely on getting them employed, we also take a holistic approach to ensuring that the needs of the "whole person" and their family members are met. Learning from the lessons that if we don't not take advantage of the resources that are available, it could have dire consequences. We not only understand but highly encourage the work that similar organizations do; the passion and heart one must possess to not only want to do the work but to be successful at doing so. You have to have a sense of the reality and the struggles our residents face on a daily basis. The staff at RWFDC has that sense and uses our own transparency of mistakes to build that bridge with our community. We remember not knowing what services were available to us or how to access them and the frustration, decisions, and mistakes that led us to make, so we utilize every opportunity to connect with our community members to empower them, build strong mentoring relationships, and offer them a better chance at all that life has to offer them rather than holding them to unrealistic standards and making them feel as though they deserve less than the best because of past mistakes. We remind them that they are JUST as deserving as anyone else because of the challenges they have overcome and the second chance they have at life. We also remind them that just as we are now able to serve as brothers and sisters lifting them out, they will have the same opportunity to do this for others by staying the course--someone is waiting for them.
We offer Programs for At-Risk Youth: PACC (Parents and Community Connection - pairs mentors with young mothers to connect with with the resources necessary to keep mom and children healthy. CHUBS - Community Housing & Urban Beautification for Seniors - hires at risk youth to maintenance the lawns & outside of senior and disabled home owners. My Next Decision - pairs ex-felons as mentors with at-risk youth to address the behaviors that lead to imprisonment.
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
6085 West Florissant AvePhone