Organization name
Confluence Academies
Tax id (EIN)
611 North 10th Street, Suite 550SAINT LOUIS, MO 63101
For 20 years Confluence Academy has been in the heart of the St. Louis community addressing the challenges and questions that parents ask…" Where can my child get a good education?" And for 20 years, Confluence Academy has answered that call.
Our students come from diverse backgrounds and economic conditions, which carries its own set of needs and challenges. It is in this area where Confluence Academy has been able to meet our students and families where they are. The Confluence network of schools is made up of 5 unique schools located across the city of St. Louis.
Old North Academy
Aspire Academy
South City Academy
Grand Center Arts Academy
Confluence Preparatory Academy
Q: What makes Confluence Academies a school of choice?
A: We are providing an environment where all children can do well. With the variety of our educational focuses across the five network schools, we are providing resources to address key questions that all parents have for their children…" Can my child receive a quality education?". With our network of schools across the city we can educate children where they live. This is important because this provides opportunities for children not to be disconnected from their community and provides families the opportunity to have positive choice.
Q: How can I support Confluence Academies?
A: You can support Confluence Academies by making a monetary contribution as either a restricted or unrestricted gift. Additional support can be provided as a school/parent volunteer, becoming a community partner with our five network schools, serving either as a school board member or Friends of Confluence committee member.
Q: How many students does Confluence Academy serve?
A: Approximately 2600
Q: How is Confluence Academy addressing the educational challenges in the wake of Covid-19?
A: Confluence pivoted immediately to remote learning in March 2020 as the pandemic took rise. Technology and internet access was made available immediately. Community meals (over ½ million) were distributed to families. More recently Confluence continues to work with the Department of Health in efforts of providing information on COVID-19 vaccine and host sites.
Organization name
Confluence Academies
Tax id (EIN)
611 North 10th Street, Suite 550Phone