A nonprofit organization

Your support identifies and develops local young leaders, breaks down stereotypes by building relationships between diverse populations, and encourages lives of service and reflection.


By Anne Schrock, 2014-15 Denver Dweller (yearlong program)

In order to see the face of God in the city in a dynamic and transformative way, DOOR has provided the Dwell program. For 12 months I was asked to immerse myself in a community unlike one I had ever been in before. I moved from the comfortable cornfields of Northeast Ohio to Denver and spent my Dwell year living in solidarity with those I would meet and work with throughout the day in my job placements at the Sun Valley Youth Center and at the Bridge Project.  As the people I met spoke of lack of opportunities, heartbreak, frustrations, and barriers in their lives, my empathy was deep and real because DOOR created a space where I could experience those same things. My living theology welled up inside of me as I prayed and reflected on what I was seeing, hearing, and feeling and then drove me to action as I went out to learn and work. It was a year of breaking down paradigms and assumptions, while getting to have a sturdy community keep pointing you to Christ and the Good News of reconciliation. And I will never be the same because of it.

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430 W 9th Ave
Chicago, IL 60616



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