Organization name
Doctors Charter School of Miami Shores
Tax id (EIN)
11301 NW 5th AvenueMiami Shores, FL 33168
DCS is accredited by SACS CASI, an accreditation body of Cognia.
DCS students now are attending schools outside of Florida such as Duke University, Dartmouth, US Naval Academy, Guilford College, Rice University, Amherst College, Brigham Young, University of Maryland, University of Utah, Mt. Holyoke, Penn State University, Lehigh University, Albany State, Rhodes College, and Spellman; in addition to many within the state of Florida such as FSU, UF UCF, FAU, FGCU, FAMU, St. Thomas, Barry University, and Lynn University. Many students are earning full ride scholarships based on their academic performance at DCS.
Thanks to a supportive community and PTSA, DCS is now one-to-one in technology providing each student with a laptop to garner new skills in the 21st century. As a charter school, DCS receives basic public educational funding. With its own governing body, DCS works to secure grants and contributions to determine the future strategic development of the school.
Since our founding, the support of the community has been an instrumental part of our school, and the generosity of our donors have had a direct impact in our success.
DCS lives its mission and vision daily as it represents the best of the best.
Organization name
Doctors Charter School of Miami Shores
Tax id (EIN)
11301 NW 5th Avenue