Dental Aid, Inc

A nonprofit organization

$10,098 raised by 49 donors

100% complete

$10,000 Goal

Everyone deserves to have healthy teeth and gums. Financial status should not prevent anyone from seeing a dentist. Your gift supports high quality dental care for low-income and uninsured people in our community.


Dental... Why should I support dental? As research continues to demonstrate, seeing a dentist is not a "nice to have." Poor oral health negatively affects every aspect of a person's life. Everyone benefits from good oral health - we simply cannot emphasize strongly enough the link between oral health, general health and quality of life. We asked our dentists to share stories of individuals for whom Dental Aid made a life-changing impact. Here are four of them (all names are changed):

Here is the story of a patient under our care here in Longmont, whose life has been vastly improved by the care she has received from Dental Aid. This patient, is a 63-year-old single lady who has worked for years as a CNA at a nursing home, a physically challenging job that most people would find difficult, even for short-term employment. She has two young grandchildren living with her full-time, because her daughter is addicted to drugs. I first met her in 2014 when she came in for extraction of an abscessed tooth. She came back in the spring of 2019 with hopelessly infected lower teeth and a poorly fitting upper denture that was painful and looked dreadful. She was not smiling. With some effort and time, healing of her damaged and painful upper edentulous ridge was achieved. A new upper denture and an immediate lower denture were recently delivered. She now has renewed hope for the future, and is smiling. She states that she is very pleased with the caring service she has received, and I might add that it has been my privilege to help her!

Carlos is in his 70s and is cared for by his children. He was referred to a PACE (Program for All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) program because he was on both Medicare and Medicaid. He needs long term care services and is unable to perform daily activities of living. The son of an immigrant tailor raised in the Garment District of Manhattan, Carlos followed his father's passion for design and fashion. Despite the challenges he faces every day, Carlo still tailors all his own clothes. The PACE program referred Carlos to Dental Aid for tooth pain. The once proud man was embarrassed to smile as he had multiple abscessed and missing teeth. Carlos quickly became a beloved patient working with the staff at Dental Aid. During his appointment, he is always the best dressed gentleman in the office. All of his abscessed teeth have been removed and his cavities filled. Currently his oral health team in the process of making new dentures so Carlos' smile will be just as distinguished as all his handmade clothes.

Twelve years ago, a new patient came to Dental Aid with her great aunt who was now her legal guardian. The patient was four years old and had been severely physically and mentally abused by her parents in Texas and was developmentally delayed. She had blond pigtails and a cautious smile. I examined her and diagnosed severe early childhood caries. Her cavities were so severe that I was uncertain if any of her teeth were savable. We took care of her with comprehensive dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia and were able to save five of her twenty teeth. Over the years her aunt has continued to bring her in every six months. She has not had a cavity in several years and is now in braces. Two weeks ago, when I saw her, she was excitedly planning her 16th birthday which she was going to celebrate the next day with her cousins.

Adrian is a six-year old patient who we have been fortunate to help at Dental Aid. He and his brother come to see us every six months for cleanings and checkups. Adrian is a healthy looking, active and engaging little boy who was diagnosed with hemophilia B shortly after birth. His family takes him weekly to get life-saving infusions of factor which help his blood clot. Several years ago, Adrian came to see us with multiple cavities and was diagnosed with severe early childhood caries. He had Child health Plus insurance at the time and we completed dental rehabilitation and restored his carious teeth. We also helped him with extensive oral hygiene and preventive education in English and Spanish. He came in this week and had lost his government insurance. However, we were able to see him and continue our efforts to keep his mouth cavity free, which in turn is one less thing for his parents to worry about.

Organization Data


Organization name

Dental Aid, Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Louisville Clinic 877 E. South Boulder Road
Louisville, CO 80027



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