Organization name
Friends of the Desert Mountains
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 1281Palm Desert, CA 92261
(760) 568-9918
As Friends of the Desert Mountains, we are dedicated to building a community of support to help preserve the unique wildlife and scenic beauty of the Coachella Valley and our Desert Mountains. We acquire and preserve wildlands, promote stewardship of trails, conduct educational programs, and support ecological research.
Friends of the Desert Mountains works with biologists, conservationists, and government agencies to identify key lands for protection. We select land for its scenic, biological, recreational, or cultural significance, and then offer to purchase it from willing sellers at fair market value. Through these key acquisitions, we give permanent protection to the beauty, character, and diversity of the Coachella Valley.
We have spent 30 years in conservation and have achieved many successes, but we know that without the support of future generations, our preservation efforts may be in vain. We have made it our mission to reach out to tomorrow's leaders. We steward the land, support the National Monument Visitor Center, and educate the community. We go into the field with kids, lead hikes, and give classes. By doing so, we hope to reveal the wonders of the fragile desert and mountains we call home and instill an environmental awareness that will last a lifetime.
From San Gorgonio Pass to the Salton Sea, Friends of the Desert Mountains has protected over 53,000 acres. We currently manage and monitor over 15,000 acres of conservation land. Taken together, these wildlands have:
Organization name
Friends of the Desert Mountains
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 1281Phone
(760) 568-9918