Development Workshop Foundation Inc

A nonprofit organization

$1,135 raised by 11 donors

The Development Workshop Foundation

The objective of the Development Workshop Foundation is to make funding available to organizations that assist individuals who have a disability or who are disadvantaged to recognize and to achieve their chosen level of economic and social independence. The Foundation’s vision, like that of the
organizations we support, promotes a society that accepts, values and utilizes the ability and potential of all individuals.


The Foundation achieves its objective by requesting and securing bequests, grants and gifts from individuals, private entities, corporations and foundations. Success in these endeavors provides support for vocational training, assistance with securing and maintaining employment, daily living skills training and advocacy. Individuals access these services through Development Workshop, Inc., Upper Valley Industries and Salmon River Industries.

In addition to the personal satisfaction you will realize by supporting these services, designating your gifts to Development Workshop Foundation helps you to recognize significant income tax, estate tax and probate savings. If our mission and vision align with your philanthropic goals, the Foundation
offers one or more of the following planned giving options:

• Life Insurance

• Trusts: Living, Revocable, Irrevocable, Charitable Remainder, Charitable Gift Annuity, and Charitable Income Leads Trust

• Wills or Estates

As you consider your estate planning and philanthropic goals, first decide what is best for you, your family, corporation or foundation. With our technologically advanced charitable gifts calculation software, we can unveil individualized planning options to help you achieve your goals. In consultation with you and your legal and financial advisors, we can arrive at the most advantageous way to formulate your charitable gift. Not only can you gain tax advantages, but
also the satisfaciton of knowing that your charitable donation will have a significant impact on the lives of people with disabilities.

If the suggested planned giving techniques are not an option for you, your corporation or foundation, there are additional avenues that will provide significant benefit to you and to individuals with disabilities:

• Cash

• Real Estate

• Personal Assets

• Securities

• IRAs

• Pension Plans 401 (K)

• Memorial Tributes

However modest or large your charitable gift to Development Workshop Foundation, Inc., together we will continue to make a difference,
one individual at a time.

To receive more information or to arrange for your personal, confidential consultation, call Development Workshop Foundation, Inc. at (208) 524-1550.


Organization Data


Organization name

Development Workshop Foundation Inc

Tax id (EIN)





555 W 25TH ST


(208) 524-1550