Ecpat Usa End Child Prostitution Child Pornography and Trafficking

A nonprofit organization

2 donors

ECPAT-USA exists to protect every child’s basic human right to grow up free from the threat of sexual exploitation and trafficking. We advocate for state and federal laws to protect exploited children, we work closely with the hotel and travel industry to promote corporate responsibility, we educate first responders to identify victims, and work directly with youth with a focus on prevention. ECPAT-USA is the leading anti-trafficking policy organization in the United States and belongs to an international network of organizations in 73 countries, all working to end the commercial sexual exploitation of children.

100% funds raised through the Everyone's Kids, Everyone Gives campaign will go to support ECPAT-USA's programming, all focused on creating a world where no child is bought, sold, or used for sex.

Organization Data


Organization name

Ecpat Usa End Child Prostitution Child Pornography and Trafficking

Tax id (EIN)



Children & Family


30 3RD AVE APT 800A


(718) 935-9192