Organization name
Ed Von Tobel Middle School
NCES ID Number
2436 North Pecos RdLas Vegas, NV 89115
Our Need:
Our printing “presses” are wobbly, ink is usually colorless (life isn't black & white. Why should our newsletter be?), and paper is in short supply each month. Further, journalists require more real life exploration and field opportunities to enable them to share with readers the world and community we all live in. Your kind donation supports these needs and helps us become the best, most effective and positive communicators we can be.
Who are the journalists?
The “freshman 24” group, first of its kind, of young journalists at VTMS are dedicated, smart and courageous writers spreading positive news and stories about life in and around the VTMS community.
“Journalism” is a word of broad and varied meaning; so is “journalist.” The word “journalist” or “newsman” refers to these students whose primary academic occupation is the gathering, writing, and editing of material which consists largely of the reporting or interpretation of current events and who provide routine coverage of news.
What we do:
Our first loyalty is to our citizens:
The Von Tobel community of students, families, educators and staff, all enjoy the fruits of the monthly TIGER TALK newsletter. As student journalists, we feel an enormous breadth of pride to produce an honest, informative, fun, and well-written monthly newsletter.
YOUR donation impacts OUR lives! Thank you.
Organization name
Ed Von Tobel Middle School
NCES ID Number
2436 North Pecos Rd