Feed My Neighbor (Cathedral of the Assumption)

A nonprofit organization

$5,250 raised by 22 donors

81% complete

$6,500 Goal

Feed My Neighbor is a program of the Sandefur Dining Room located at the Cathedral of the Assumption, where responding to the needs of the hungry population in downtown Louisville began during the Great Depression. Today, the program provides nourishing meals and gentle compassion 365 days a year to hungry and homeless men, women and children. Numbers of lunch guests have been on the rise throughout 2024,  due in part to many working poor returning to work in downtown as well as the current high cost of groceries.

Who We Are

We are a positive presence. Feed My Neighbor at the Cathedral of the Assumption allows all members of our community to come together around the lunch table; those who prepare and serve and those who are nourished.  Our kitchen and dining facility provide a safe, clean and hospitable haven for our lunch guests, For some folks, this lunch  may be their only meal  day.

This good work is possible thanks to the support of many who volunteer their time, our partnerships with companies that provide us with food to share, and the generous financial support of numerous individuals and businesses throughout our community. Feeding the hungry is not only core to our humanity; it makes our community a better place to live.

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Feed My Neighbor (Cathedral of the Assumption)

Tax id (EIN)



Cathedral of the Assumption 433 South 5th Street
Louisville, KY 40202