Pastor Dave, his daughter Rebekah, and two other teenagers Cora and Stellera are going to Romania for three weeks in July-August of 2014. Each must raise $2,800 for the trip.
The four from First Baptist will be a part of a 15 member team from Faith Bible Camp that will be discipling teens at a camp near Cluj, Romania.
- The team has already started to prepare for the trip. Even though the actual mission trip is three weeks long, the preperation for the trip has already started. The team will be doing an indepth study of the book of James and will have to develop two teaching lessons for each chapter.
- The team will be traveling to various churches to share about their upcoming trip.
- The team will be teaching their lessons on James at the 2014 Faith Bible Camp Sr. High camp before heading to Romania.
- The team will be split up and staying in homes with Romanian families while in Romania.
- Pastor Dave will be speaking every night at the camp here in the US and in Romania and possibly at a couple churched in Romania on Sundays.
- The team will grow together over the next year spiritually, learn team work, grasp an indepth understanding of the book of James, and experience an introduction to long term missions.