Organization name
Florida Wind Band Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture
5004 E FOWLER AVE C140TAMPA, FL 33617
Professional wind bands, such as the touring Sousa Band, are an integral part of American culture and have existed in the military for over one hundred years. Today many people have a deep and abiding love of band music from their experiences in high school and college bands; however, there are almost no professional level wind bands except in the military.
We believe the time has come for the establishment of a civilian professional wind band here in Tampa Bay. Since 2008, the Florida Wind Band has been working toward this goal by providing unique, live music experiences, delighting audiences with a wide repertoire stretching from the "Golden Age" of the touring band to recent masterworks by contemporary composers.
The Florida Wind Band is under the artistic direction of Dr. John C. Carmichael, Director of Bands at the University of South Florida. Concerts take place that the University of South Florida School of Music Recital Hall. In addition to entertaining Tampa Bay audiences, the Florida Wind Band also seeks to promote quality music education for students through Bay Winds, a youth wind band that rehearses weekly throughout the spring term.
We hope you will help us raise much needed funds to continue and expand our musical outreach. Even more, we hope you will join us at our next concert and discover great music, great times, and great friends with the Florida Wind Band!
Organization name
Florida Wind Band Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture
5004 E FOWLER AVE C140