Organization name
Friends of the National Zoo
Tax id (EIN)
P.O. Box 37012, MRC 5516 Attn: Pamela BucklingerWASHINGTON, DC 20013
With the help of people like you, the Smithsonian's National Zoo is making huge breakthroughs in animal science and conservation.
Here are some of our amazing successes:
Thanks to donations, we were able to fund the research that made the birth of Tai Shan, our giant panda cub, possible. He was born as the result of a successful artificial insemination. With only 1,600 giant pandas remaining in the wild, each panda birth is significant to the species' survival.
Our scientists' ground-breaking research resulted in the birth of Kandula, our young Asian elephant. His birth is very important because Asian elephants are endangered and their numbers are steadily declining in the wild and in Zoos.
Golden lion tamarins, once numbered fewer than 200 individuals, now stand at about 1,800 in the wild. The National Zoo working with colleagues in Brazil, helped reintroduce tamarins back into their native home.
Thanks to the Zoo's cutting-edge science, the black-footed ferret has been saved from extinction and is being reintroduced to the North American great plains.
Background about the Zoo:
The Smithsonian's National Zoo was one of the first zoos to conduct scientific research. It pursues an expansive program of conservation projects including reproductive biology of giant pandas, clouded leopards, and cheetahs. It is a conservation leader in tracking migratory birds, elusive and rare wild Asian elephants. The Zoo is pioneering veterinary medicines and techniques and is working to train the next generation of conservation leaders.
We would appreciate your support by making a donation today!
Organization name
Friends of the National Zoo
Tax id (EIN)
P.O. Box 37012, MRC 5516 Attn: Pamela Bucklinger