Organization name
Food Bank of Lincoln
Tax id (EIN)
4840 Doris Bair Circle, Ste. ALINCOLN, NE 68504
There are more than 40,000 individuals dealing with food insecurity in Lancaster County, and that is why your help is so vital. Thanks to your kindness, the Food Bank of Lincoln was able to distribute more than 9 million pounds of food in 2015. Your contributions help children through our Child Hunger Programs, like the BackPack Program, as well as families, seniors, Veterans and other individuals in need.
For every $1 donated to the Food Bank of Lincoln, we are able to distribute approximately $5 worth of food or three meals. In this way, a little generosity can go a long way.
In addition to food distribution, we are taking part in Bridges Out of Poverty, an innovative approach to shorten the food line. Through this still relatively new initiative that involves community and employee trainings as well as educational courses for families struggling to make ends meet, we can directly address the systemic factors that lead to poverty.
These are just a few ways your donations to the Food Bank of Lincoln are making our community a better place to live and thrive.
We are grateful for your support. Thank you!
Organization name
Food Bank of Lincoln
Tax id (EIN)
4840 Doris Bair Circle, Ste. A