The Foundation for Natural Health c/o CNDA

A nonprofit organization

$21,240 raised by 34 donors

8% complete

$250,000 Goal

Realize a Healthy California (RHC), a program of the Foundation for Natural Health, is a movement that promotes the health of Californians, our neighbors, and beyond. We believe that Californians must come together to help ourselves, our communities, and our environment. Led by licensed naturopathic doctors, RHC is about living naturopathically through the principles of naturopathic medicine, healthy lifestyle practices, and environmental stewardship. We work to share experiences and educate our readers, engaging in a health-driven community with California at its center. RHC is part of the Foundation for Natural Health 501(c)(3) and a partner of the California Naturopathic Doctors Association.

Organization Data


Organization name

The Foundation for Natural Health c/o CNDA

Tax id (EIN)



1620 Broadway, Suite D
Santa Monica, CA 90404



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