Friends of Children Inc

A nonprofit organization

150 donors

Did you Know?

Annually, nearly 30,000 youth age out of the foster care in the United States. In 2014, more than 22,000 young people across the country were not reunited with their families or placed in permanent homes, in the same year, of the 415,000 children in foster care, over 18,000 had case plan goals of "emancipation," meaning they would leave foster care without any permanent plan. Statistically, foster youth in this situation are less likely to graduate from high school, and are at greater risk of chronic homelessness, unemployment, substance abuse, early parenting and incarceration. 

Neeley’s Story

Now eight, Neeley is flourishing in a safe an nurturing environment. But her path has not been easy. When we first met Neeley, she had been placed in seventeen different foster homes over three years. Removed from her mother’s care, she developed emotional and behavioral problems due to traumatic events. The intervention of her Friends of Children CASA volunteer meant that for the first time, someone spoke truth to power: moving a child that many times was unacceptable! Her CASA’s investigation identified her needs clearly and convincingly, and she began to receive the services she so desperately needed. Today, Neeley is finally able to get the support and consistency she needs to thrive, and within the next year, we anticipate she will be adopted! 

Friends of Children addresses the multiple needs of children who are placed in a system too overburdened to really serve their needs and ensure their safety and success.

We welcome your partnership as champions for children's rights.  

Organization Data


Organization name

Friends of Children Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Children & Family


HADLEY, MA 01035